Tuesday, December 29, 2015

292 - The Quickening Spiral 01 (Tales of the Crescent City)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario: The Quickening Spiral, by Stuart Boon. Published by Golden Goblin Press.

New Orleans, LA
Thursday, 09 June, 1927

The Alicia Stone Five are on hiatus, as the club they play in is shut down owing to a mysterious illness known as Red River Fever which seems to be striking specific in whom it targets.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

291 - Darkest Hour 10 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

15 May, 1941
Saint-Cerneuf, France

Leo and Tom have been taken captive by the - presumably - evil cultists. Thelma and Jack have concocted a brilliant plan to rescue them by blowing up a truck with some grenades. What could go wrong?


Sunday, November 22, 2015

290 - Horror on the Orient Express: Little Cottage in the Wood 44

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Little Cottage in the Wood. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Orašac, Serbia
Wednesday, 07 February, 1923

Having obtained another piece of the Simulacrum, the surviving Investigators flee in terror from the witch.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

289 - Horror on the Orient Express: Little Cottage in the Wood 43

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Little Cottage in the Wood. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Orašac, Serbia
Tuesday, 06 February, 1923

The Investigators prepare to attend a gypsy ritual intended to protect the small village of Orašac from evil spirits.


Saturday, November 7, 2015

288 - Darkest Hour 09 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

15 May, 1941
Saint-Cerneuf, France

The group is completely separated and lost. Jack Barnes and the French partisans believe there is a traitor among their number. Thelma Balthe is alone and wondering where the others are. And Leo Mullins is in hot pursuit of the evil cultists who have captured Tom Drummond.


Friday, October 30, 2015

287 - Darkest Hour 08 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

15 May, 1941
Saint-Cerneuf, France

Leo and Tom head down into the the old mine tunnels and the mystery deepens.


Monday, October 26, 2015

286 - Horror on the Orient Express: Little Cottage in the Wood 42

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Little Cottage in the Wood. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Belgrade, Serbia
Monday, 05 February, 1923

The Investigators head out from the Hotel Petrograd for some good old-fashioned investigation.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

285 - Darkest Hour 07 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

15 May, 1941
Saint-Cerneuf, France

With mysterious photos in hand, and a new friendship possibly in the offing, the team begins to try and put the pieces together.


Monday, September 28, 2015

284 - Horror on the Orient Express: Little Cottage in the Wood 41

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Little Cottage in the Wood. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Belgrade, Serbia
Sunday, 04 February, 1923

Jazmina, Edmund, and a small troupe of gypsy children chase through the shopping district of Belgrade in pursuit of the arm thief.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

283 - Horror on the Orient Express: Sanguis Omnia Vincet 40

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Sanguis Omnia Vincet. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Sardis, Lydia
March, 330AD

After defeating the cult in Lydia, the men of Tillius Corvus return to Constantinople for revelry and celebration.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

282 - Horror on the Orient Express: Sanguis Omnia Vincet 39

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Sanguis Omnia Vincet. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Sardis, Lydia
March, 330AD

Tillius Corvus and Galerius Evodis lead the Roman scouts into the mountains to confront the true horror behind the plague.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

281 - Darkest Hour 06 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

15 May, 1941
Saint-Cerneuf, France

Mr. Drummond attempts to fix the radio. Miss Bathe engages in some photography. Mr. Mullins enjoys a day of minor sabotage. And Mr. Barnes does his best to keep the French partisans from getting out of hand.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

280 - Horror on the Orient Express: Sanguis Omnia Vincet 38

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Sanguis Omnia Vincet. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Sardis, Lydia
March, 330AD

Galerius Evodis leads the Roman garrison in a pitched battle to roust out the evil cultists.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

279 - Horror on the Orient Express: Sanguis Omnia Vincet 37

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Sanguis Omnia Vincet. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Vinkovci, Croatia
03 February, 1923

After recovering the Mim-Sahis, and despite the tragic loss of Mr. Peppin, Mr. Edwards has been reading the account of one Tillius Corvus - a Roman officer in the 4th century.


Friday, August 21, 2015

278 - Darkest Hour 05 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

14 May, 1941
Saint-Cerneuf, France

The French Partisans are considering an action to blow up the local mine, while the Investigators go about the business of trying to smuggle the radio into town for safekeeping.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

277 - The Killer Out of Space 01 (Delta Green)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario for Delta Green: The Killer Out of Space by William A. Barton. Published by Chaosium, Inc. in Cthulhu Now.

Gove, Kansas
September, 2014

As Agent Hendry spreads his love, Agent Glavin makes a new contact, and finds out how things will be done. Agent Gary attempts to return to work, but finds his hair trigger temper to be a liability. Finally our group gets a chance to head to small town America for some R&R, but instead experience a heavenly intrusion ...


Sunday, August 9, 2015

276 - Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone 36

Due to a technical glitch in the recording, none of Jonathan's audio from this session was able to be used. Our apologies for the difficultly this may cause in listening!

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Vinkovci, Croatia
03 February, 1923

The Investigators have managed to take a group of cultists prisoner, but are no closer to finding the missing Mim-Sahis or identifying who killed Dr. Moric.


Friday, August 7, 2015

275 - The Music of the Spheres 07 (Delta Green)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario for Delta Green: The Music of the Spheres by Kevin A. Ross. Published by Chaosium, Inc. in The Stars Are Right!

Hayden, Nebraska
July, 2014

Our intrepid investigators decide to enter the crashed spacecraft, and experience some terrifying visions. Dr. Hayes helps decipher an interesting artifact, and a path of action is laid clear. It all ends with blood and fire, under pouring skies, to the strains of alien music ...


Sunday, July 26, 2015

274 - Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone 35

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Vinkovci, Croatia
02 February, 1923

The Investigators reconvene at the hotel to tend to their wounded and try and figure out their next steps.


Friday, July 24, 2015

273 - Darkest Hour 04 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

12 May, 1941
Saint-Cerneuf, France

The Agents continue to maintain their cover in Saint-Cerneuf, and begin to uncover some clues they hope will lead to the missing Lionel Malo.


Monday, July 20, 2015

272 - Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone 34

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Vinkovci, Croatia
02 February, 1923

Hugo and Jean-Paul seem to have disappeared, as the rest of the Investigators find little more than a trail of bodies throughout the city of Vinkovci.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

271 - Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone 33

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Vinkovci, Croatia
01 February, 1923

The Investigators enjoy a quiet night at the hotel, only to wake to find the Yugoslavian army rolling into town the next morning.


Sunday, July 5, 2015

270 - Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone 32

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Bread and Stone. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

En Route to Vinkovci, Croatia
01 February, 1923

After their rough night passing through Zagreb, the Investigators push on to Vinkovci.


Friday, July 3, 2015

269 - Horror on the Orient Express: In a City of Bells and Towers 31

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: In a City of Bells and Towers. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Trieste, Italy
31 January, 1923

Having obtained another piece of the simulacrum, the Investigators board the Orient Express yet again and attempt to figure out what their next destination should be. But the decision is made for them as they unexpectedly arrive in Zagreb.


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

268 - Darkest Hour 03 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

11 May, 1941
Saint-Cerneuf, France

With no sign they have been discovered by the enemy, the Investigators settle into their cover stories, and begin to investigate the true reason for their being in Saint-Cerneuf.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

267 - Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing 30

Our apologies for the audio on this session - due to an engineering error none of Zelda's audio was captured.

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Trieste, Italy
31 January, 1923

Mr. Sterling, Mr. Peppin, and Zelda head off to the caverns whilst Jean-Paul and Mr. Edwards remain behind to guard the simulacrum.


Saturday, June 20, 2015

266 - Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing 29

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Trieste, Italy
31 January, 1923

The Investigators must deal with the death of Miss Wagner, the loss of Father Ferraro, and an unexpected betrayal. Fortunately two faces from the past arrive in Trieste just in time to help.


Monday, June 15, 2015

265 - The Music of the Spheres 06 (Delta Green)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario for Delta Green: The Music of the Spheres by Kevin A. Ross. Published by Chaosium, Inc. in The Stars Are Right!

Hayden, Nebraska
July, 2014

As agent Hendry detains Dr. Mancini, agents Glavin and Gary help out the local constabulary with earthquake calls, and a little urban unrest. After a long night, Glavin and Gary decide to take Stan Arnold to Omaha for safekeeping. Dr. Hayes burns the midnight oil and pushes himself in the search for answers. After agent Hendry finds something disturbing on his person, a crashing event introduces our characters to some out of this world friends.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

264 - Darkest Hour 02 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

11 May, 1941
Saint-Cerneuf, France

Having arrived in Saint-Cerneuf and established contact with the local resistance, the Agents begin setting up their various cover stories amongst the local population.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

263 - The Space Between 02 (Playtest)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu playtest: The Space Between, by Scott Dorward. From Nameless Horrors, published by Chaosium, Inc..

Los Angeles, California

The Investigators have found Jared Woodward, and are taking him to the Church of Sunyata to clean up his alcohol and drug use. But time is running out to complete the film, The Space Between, and distribute the Chuch's message to the world.


Monday, June 8, 2015

262 - Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing 28

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Postumia, Italy
30 January, 1923

The Investigators arrive in Postumia and find that they have been followed by someone unexpected. Only this time, the Investigators decide to return the favor and take action.


Saturday, June 6, 2015

261 - The Space Between 01 (Playtest)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu playtest: The Space Between, by Scott Dorward. From Nameless Horrors, published by Chaosium, Inc..

Los Angeles, California

What was planned as a fantastic new feature film is turning into the shoot from hell. The leading lady has vanished, the director has retreated from the world, and the police are sniffing around the set. It is up to the Investigators to get the film back on track in order to share its vision with the world.


Thursday, June 4, 2015

260 - Darkest Hour 01 (World War Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Darkest Hour, published by Cubicle 7.

January, 1941

The Special Operations Executive, following Churchill’s directive to “set Europe ablaze” assembles a group of agents to establish a beachhead and infiltration zone in France.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

259 - Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing 27

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing  Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Trieste, Italy
29 January, 1923

Following the terrible visions at dinner, Father Ferrero rushes off to try and chase down the mysterious ghost.


Monday, May 25, 2015

258 - Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing 26

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Trieste, Italy
28 January, 1923

Mr. Edwards has been attacked, and someone else brutally murdered in his room. As the Turks, the Fascists, and unknown powers continue to haunt the Investigators, can they make it out of Trieste alive?


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

257 - Kontamination 04 (Achtung Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Kontamination, by Sam Richards and Matthew Pook. Published by Modiphius Entertainment.

December, 1944
The Ardennes

The German team has been captured by an American patrol. Can they now pull off the prisoner exchange they have been ordered to, or will Adam’s disappearance complicate matters?


Saturday, May 16, 2015

256 - Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing 25

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Trieste, Italy 28
January, 1923

The Investigators continue to search the city of Trieste in search of the Simulacrum, or at least some clue to its whereabouts, and must attempt to deal with both the Turks and Fascists who continue to shadow their every movement.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

255 - Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing 24

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Trieste, Italy
26 January, 1923

Armed with a series of vague and questionable leads, the Investigators begin to scour the city of Trieste in search of another piece of the Simulacrum.


Monday, May 11, 2015

254 - Dead Light (One-Shot)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario: Dead Light, by Alan Bligh. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Arkham, MA

Mr. Jackson Elias asks two conference attendees to look in on his friend Dr. Webb.


Friday, May 8, 2015

253 - Kontamination 03 (Achtung Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Kontamination, by Sam Richards and Matthew Pook. Published by Modiphius Entertainment.

December, 1944
The Ardennes

Having successfully captured an American officer our rag-tag band of German soldiers return through the front lines to receive their next orders. But is there too much suspicion and division within the ranks to accomplish their next task?


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

252 - Horror on the Orient Express: Cold Wind Blowing 23

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Trieste, Italy
26 January, 1923

The Investigators arrive in Trieste, to find a bitterly cold wind is blowing through the city.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

251 - The Music of the Spheres (Delta Green) 05

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario for Delta Green: The Music of the Spheres by Kevin A. Ross. Published by Chaosium, Inc. in The Stars Are Right!

Hayden, Nebraska
July, 2014

We rejoin our investigators on the lonely windswept plains of Nebraska.  In this episode, much research is conducted.  Odd items are investigated, and Dr. Hayes sets up his own private research group.  Oh, and the earth moves.  A little.


Friday, April 17, 2015

250 - The House on McKinley Boulevard 02 (One-Shot)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario: The House on McKinley Boulevard, by Ian Winterton. From the book Last Rites, published by Chaosium, Inc..

Boston, Massachusetts

Plug, Chet, and Peter have penetrated into the secret basement rooms of The House on McKinley Boulevard. But are they at all prepared for what they will find there?


Monday, April 13, 2015

249 - The Music of the Spheres (Delta Green) 04

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario for Delta Green: The Music of the Spheres by Kevin A. Ross. Published by Chaosium, Inc. in The Stars Are Right!

Hayden, Nebraska
July, 2014

Things are just getting weirder in little Hayden, NB. This session finds our heroes creeping around in the dark, following suspicious individuals on the GPCA grounds. Agent Gary has a bizzare dream that interrupts his sleep, and a plague of biblical proportion descends upon the town ...


Friday, April 10, 2015

248 - Horror on the Orient Express: The Dark Crusader 22

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

1204 AD

Having dispatched the dragon with relative ease, the Crusaders prepare to confront Sedefkar himself. 


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

247 - The Music of the Spheres (Delta Green) 03

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario for Delta Green: The Music of the Spheres by Kevin A. Ross. Published by Chaosium, Inc. in The Stars Are Right!

Hayden, Nebraska
July, 2014

After the gunsmoke settles, and Dr. Hayes regains his wits, our investigators meet some interesting local characters.  Scenes and evidence are examined, but unfortunately, this episode is cut short.  Due to technical issues the game had to be terminated early!

Brent also apologizes for the loudness of the background music.  This was his first time experimenting with overlaying Allicorn's music on the Skype recording.  Unfortunately, since the recording is only one track, we can't separate it out and normalize the volume.


Monday, April 6, 2015

246 - Kontamination 02 (Achtung Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Kontamination, by Sam Richards and Matthew Pook. Published by Modiphius Entertainment.

December, 1944
Münstereifel, Germany

Unsure whether they are all working for quite the same goals, a group of German soldiers set out for the Ardennes Forest in an attempt to capture an Allied officer.


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

245 - The Music of the Spheres 02 (Delta Green)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario for Delta Green: The Music of the Spheres by Kevin A. Ross. Published by Chaosium, Inc. in The Stars Are Right!

Hayden, Nebraska
July, 2014

Having checked into lodgings, and been introduced to a rather eerie recording, our investigators continue to dig into the case. They end up meeting with some interesting locals, and a little gunplay ensues ...


Monday, March 30, 2015

244 - Horror on the Orient Express: The Dark Crusader 21

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

1204 AD

The Crusaders must battle a fierce fire-breathing dragon on the streets of Constantinople.


Friday, March 27, 2015

243 - The Music of the Spheres (Delta Green) 01

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario for Delta Green: The Music of the Spheres by Kevin A. Ross. Published by Chaosium, Inc. in The Stars Are Right!

Hayden, Nebraska
July, 2014

Seeking to get a little "off-grid", our intrepid investigators are sent to the Middle of Nowhere, to check up on a Delta Green Friendly. It seems the Friendly in question has murdered his girlfriend, and there's also rumors of possible UFOs. Time to hit the Dairy Queen, and make a road trip! 


Monday, March 23, 2015

242 - Horror on the Orient Express: The Dark Crusader 20

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

1204 AD

The Investigators continue to read The Devil's Simularae, as the outnumbered Crusaders prepare to assault the Venetian cultists in the Church of St. Mochis.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

241 - Kontamination 01 (Achtung Cthulhu)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Kontamination, by Sam Richards and Matthew Pook. Published by Modiphius Entertainment.

December, 1944
Berlin, Germany

The war is going badly for Germany, but Hitler now plans a massive counter-offensive that could stem the tide and stop the Allied advance. But another group, the Nachtwolfe, has its own mysterious plans which may defeat the Allies, or may just destroy humanity.


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

240 - Horror on the Orient Express: The Dark Crusader 19

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..


The Investigators board the Orient Express and escape from Venice. Once safe, they begin to read the Devil's Simulare and learn the story of a group of Flemish crusaders during the sacking of Constantinople.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

239 - The House on McKinley Boulevard 01 (One-Shot)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario: The House on McKinley Boulevard, by Ian Winterton. From the book Last Rites, published by Chaosium, Inc..

Boston, Massachusetts

The elderly Mr. Hagbard Carlyle has called together a group of his friends to investigate an old house in Boston.


Monday, March 9, 2015

238 - The Reunion 06 (Tremulus)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Tremulus scenario, The Reunion.

Ebon Eaves, Nebraska
June, 1924

The party regroups after the fiery death of Mr. Nash Anderson, and attempts to find a way to leave town as The Reunion comes to a dramatic and unexpected conclusion.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

237 - Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola 18

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Venice, Italy
Tuesday, 23 January, 1923

Another piece of the Simulacrum has been located, but can Jean-Paul, Mihai, and Miss Wagner escape the clutches of the police and spirit themselves away?


Monday, February 23, 2015

236 - Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola 17

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Venice, Italy
Tuesday, 23 January, 1923

The Investigators attempt to decipher the Garmanci family tree in order to locate another piece of the Simulacrum.


Friday, February 20, 2015

235 - The Reunion 05 (Tremulus)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Tremulus scenario, The Reunion.

Ebon Eaves, Nebraska
June, 1924

Mr. Nash Anderson has led members of the Church of Inner Starlight back to the home of Dr. von Kleif and the other party members. Can they deal with this apparent threat and still make it to their high school reunion on time?


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

234 - Amidst the Ancient Trees (One-Shot, Playtest)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Amidst the Ancient Trees, by Matthew Sanderson. Published by Chasosium, Inc.

Saturday, June 20, 1925
Bennington, Vermont

Jane Strong, the daughter of a local magnate, has been kidnapped for ransom. The exchange lead to a shootout, and the gang leader has gone missing with Ms. Strong, leading the townspeople to set out in search of them.


Monday, February 16, 2015

233 - Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola 16

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Venice, Italy
Tuesday, 23 January, 1923

Having failed to locate a piece of the Simulacrum under the floors of St. Mark’s Cathedral, the Investigators decide to do a bit of doll shopping.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

232 - Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola 15

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Death (and Love) in a Gondola. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Venice, Italy
Monday, 22 January, 1923

The Investigators complete their reading of the journal of the adventure of the Blood Red Fez, and arrive in Venice just in time to encounter a group of black-shirted fascists.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

231 - The Reunion 04 (Tremulus)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Tremulus scenario, The Reunion.

Ebon Eaves, Nebraska
June, 1924

Herman and Frankie visit the Thomas farm, and encounter some vicious dogs.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

230 - Horror on the Orient Express: The Blood Red Fez 14

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Note for Note. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

En Route to Venice, Italy
Sunday, 21 January, 1923

The Investigators continue to read the journals of the adventure of The Blood Red Fez, and learn how one member of that party appears to have been corrupted by the power of the fez.



Friday, February 6, 2015

229 - Horror on the Orient Express: The Blood Red Fez 13

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Note for Note. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

En Route to Venice, Italy
Sunday, 21 January, 1923

The Investigators continue to read the journals of the adventure of The Blood Red Fez, and learn how the evil fez seems to multiply.



Monday, January 19, 2015

228 - Safe House, Dark (Delta Green)

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Delta Green scenario: Safe House, Dark. By Jon Hook.

Bruges, Belgium

Delta Green agent Sebastian Hughes is tasked by the CIA to clean out the apartment of a missing asset, and finds far more than he bargained for.


Saturday, January 17, 2015

227 - Horror on the Orient Express: Note for Note 12

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Note for Note. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Milan, Italy
Sunday, 21 January, 1923

An evening at La Scala turns violent as the Investigators locate another piece of the simulacrum and attempt to retrieve it.



Sunday, January 4, 2015

226 - Horror on the Orient Express: Note for Note 11

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Note for Note. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Milan, Italy
Sunday, 21 January, 1923

The investigators begin to scour Milan in search of the missing torso, but must hurry in order not to miss the opening of Aida.


Friday, January 2, 2015

225 - Horror on the Orient Express: Note for Note 10

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Horror on the Orient Express: Note for Note. Published by Chaosium, Inc..

Milan, Italy
Saturday, 20 January, 1923

The team arrives in Milan to lick their wounds and rebuild their numbers. Surely a nice visit to the opera will be just the thing to strengthen their spirits.
