Wednesday, November 27, 2019

574 - Curse of Cthulhu 14

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Curse of Cthulhu by Keith Herber
April 1988 Drovosna, Romania
The team accept a dinner invitation from Baron Hauptman where many things are discussed.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

573 - Curse of Cthulhu 13

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Curse of Cthulhu by Keith Herber
April 1988 Drovosna, Romania
Some of the team continues their exploration while others head back into town and make an unusual acquaintance. 


Sunday, November 17, 2019

572 - Eternal Lies 29

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Eternal Lies by Will Hindmarch and Jeff Tidball with Jeremy Keller. Music by James Semple.

July, 1935
Bangkok, Siam

The team seek revenge against the forces that took one of their own but will they all survive?


Monday, November 11, 2019

569 - Eternal Lies 27

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Eternal Lies by Will Hindmarch and Jeff Tidball with Jeremy Keller. Music by James Semple.

July, 1935
Bangkok, Siam

The group prepares for a night of entertainment at the local fights, unaware of the sinister forces starting to swirl around them.


Sunday, November 10, 2019

571 - Eternal Lies 28

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Eternal Lies by Will Hindmarch and Jeff Tidball with Jeremy Keller. Music by James Semple.

July, 1935
Bangkok, Siam

Tragedy strikes the group even as they welcome a new ally and a good man is forced to release the savagery that lies hidden beneath.


Sunday, November 3, 2019

570 - Curse of Cthulhu 12

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu campaign: Curse of Cthulhu by Keith Herber
April 1988 Drovosna, Romania
The team consults with a fortune teller but find only more danger.  Yet the worse is yet to come as they make their way into the castle. 
