Thursday, August 21, 2014

188 - A Victim of the Art (Delta Green) 08

Skype of Cthulhu presents a Delta Green scenario. A Victim of the Art, by Dennis Detwiller.

Montauk, New York
12 August, 1995

Despite Agent Molotov’s violent death at the hands of the mysterious creature, the agents of Delta Green must continue to try and resolve the mystery.



Chad Knight said...

It would be better if we could hear it.

World Traveller Jim said...

The audio should be there - embedded in the feed, and linked for download or playback above. If you're having problems getting hit, please email me (contact button to the right) and let me know.

Jonathon M. Johnson said...

Ok… Get your information hats on boys and girls.

Where the heck are all of the players? Hmm…

Weirdest audio where there was talking over each other. Plus when one player is talking and another makes a comment during the talk, it seems like the other player’s audio track was just copy/pasted in.

So I have just realized that there must be a lot of email and such being posted back and forth amongst the SoC players; since Shannon is talking a lot about posting stuff. Luckily enough for the recaps at the beginning, they are helping out a bunch.

No really… A lot of clues and threads and red herrings… Naaa… For an adventure this long, Shannon rocks!

This definitely was not a good adventure for a podcast with all of the information and such. Though I have listened to longer ones on here, it is the amount, not the length that is killing it.

Interesting that a two player group finished this adventure in nine hours (Now only 5.5 hours left here after this epidsode). Got to love those players that push; taking an hour just to get a door open is so annoying.

So when do we get to hear a 10 player podcast?


Jonathon M. Johnson

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