Skype of Cthulhu presents a Call of Cthulhu scenario. Body of Work, by Jim Phillips. Inspired in part by the novel The Big Wake-Up by Mark Coggins.
Providence, Rhode Island
Sunday, October 26, 1924
The investigators decide that it finally time to retrieve the scepter. But what should be a simple grave robbery becomes a far greater horror than they had expected.
Special thanks to Ed for his cameo as Frank Ballentine.
So I listened to “Robinson Gruesome”, a Monophobia (A Fear of Solitude) podcast and the solo player was Toni. I could have sworn I was listening to Randall the whole time until I looked at the Skype of Cthulhu website and saw the information that the player was Toni.
Wrath of Skype is still doing a number; during the player intros and later on. Grrr...
YEAH ED!!! What a cameo phone call…
Nice powerful fight the group had going on.
Looking forward to the last episode to wrap up this long adventure.
Jonathon M. Johnson
I was pretty happy Ed agreed to record that little bit, definitely thought it was a nice touch to help tie things together.
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